A photo from Rambla del Mar looking into the fading light in the sky through the parked yachts and boats (see Google map). I made the photo look more dramatic by selectively changing saturation and brightness of the sky.
A photo from Rambla del Mar looking into the fading light in the sky through the parked yachts and boats (see Google map). I made the photo look more dramatic by selectively changing saturation and brightness of the sky.
Famous Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. You can see the Ceasar’s Palace in the background. Las Vegas looks best at night (see other photos on this blog) but at times it can look beautiful in day time too. I like this photo for the reflection and the white-grey clouds in the sky. Shot with Nikon D7000 and Nikon 10-24mm lens. January 2011.
I was in Las Vegas for CES 2011. While there I took my new D7000 to shoot some photos of casinos and hotels. D7000 has very good high-ISO performance. At ISO 1100 this photo still shows no noticeable noise. I have tested this camera a fair bit and images with ISO 6400 are quite usable. Shot with Nikon D7000 and Nikon 10-24mm lens.
Focal length: 10mm
Shutter Speed: 1/30s
ISO: 1400
Aperture: 3.5
Flowers on Angel’s Rest trail. A very popular hiking spot in the beautiful Columbia Gorge. It was a damp rainy day in the middle of summer. That’s why you see water droplets on the flower. I liked this flower for the striking colors. Shot with Nikon D80 with Nikon 18-200mm VR lens. No modifications besides cropping.Z
Dog Mountain trail in the beautiful Columbia Gorge. I like this photo for the contrast the between foreground and the background. Shot with Nikon D80 and 35mm F/2.0D lens.
Wall graffiti in Temple Bar area in Dublin, Ireland. This blue and yellow graffiti on a building corner looked like it was glowing under the sodium vapor lights. I was able to get a sharp picture at 1/8s shutter speed with the 18-200mm VR lens. It’s very rare to get a sharp picture at such a slow shutter speed. I was just lucky. I have used ‘high key’ filter to enhance the effect of blue paint.
This monster truck is sitting on the Columbia Icefields. We took a tour of the icefield while visiting Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada. Shot with Nikon D90 and Nikon 10-24mm lens. Boosted tonal contrast for extra punch to the image.
Sunset at the Flathead Lake. We were taking a cruise in the lake while this photo was taken with Nikon D90 and Nikon 18-200mm VR lens. I have used a Brilliance/Warmth filter to enhance the orange glow in the sky and also done some retouching to adjust the color of the sky.
A popular photo spot opposite the New York New York hotel in Las Vegas. I had taken same photo some 12 years ago at the same spot. Compare to notice the advances in technology. I had to work a lot on old photo (shot with film camera and then scanned negative) to remove noise, get correct white balance and remove some blemishes on the negative. This time around you see pretty much exactly what came out of my camera (digital this time) with only cropping and color cast removal. Shot with Nikon D90 and Nikon 18-200mm VR lens without a tripod.
A lucky shot in the fading daylight while we were having dinner in a outdoor restaurant opposite Bellagio. Believe it or not, I have not done any retouching on this photo beyond a simple crop and some noise reduction. The colors are as they came out of camera. I use +3 Vivid setting all the time. Shot with Nikon D90 and Nikon 18-200mm VR lens, handheld.
Forum Shops, Las Vegas. This huge shopping mall has magnificent views. We just watched the scene than actually shop here. It’s expensive! Shot with Nikon D90 and Nikon 10-24mm lens. This wide angle lens gives a typical wide-angle distorted feel to the picture. I used the Brilliance/Warmth filter to enhance the warm orange glow of the indoor lighting.
Planet Hollywood and Paris. Two iconic hotels in Las Vegas in all their night glory. Shot with Nikon D90 without a tripod. The newer digital cameras are getting very good at high-ISO performance that you don’t need to carry a tripod for a decent photo. I have done some post processing to remove noise and boost contrast.